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Caltech’s Office of Foundation Relations maintains this online database of primarily non-federal funding opportunities as a resource for the Caltech community. Funding opportunities may be accessed by clicking the Search menu above or the Search Opportunities button below. Subscriptions to funding opportunity announcements are available by clicking the My Subscriptions menu above or the Create Subscription button below.

Opportunities include calls for proposals released by private foundations, public charities, associations, corporations, internal Caltech opportunities and Federal limited opportunities (i.e., those that limit the number of submissions per institution). Other Federal opportunities may be accessed via the External Resources links below.

For questions about this site or specific opportunity announcements, please Contact Us. For general questions about foundation funding and/or those foundations that do not release public calls for proposals, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations or visit our homepage. Foundation Relations is a department within the Division of Advancement and Alumni Relations.

You can download our Website User Guide for general instructions on how to use the site.

Caltech Resources

Office of Foundation Relations
The Office of Foundation Relations (OFR) identifies and disseminates private funding opportunities, guides and maintains relationships with foundations, and helps ensure that Caltech's proposals to foundations are compelling and competitive.

Office of Sponsored Research
The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) assists faculty in the review, submission, negotiation, and acceptance of extramural grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements for research, training, and other sponsored programs.

Office of Technology Transfer and Corporate Partnerships
The Office of Technology Transfer and Corporate Partnerships (OTTCP) is charged with facilitating and managing the transfer of technologies created by scientists and engineers at Caltech and JPL to the commercial sector, and with establishing and maintaining partnerships in support of joint scientific breakthroughs between Caltech and industry.

Caltech Research Administration Policies & Procedures
Policies and procedures regarding proposals (e.g., PI eligibility), overhead, intellectual property and other research administration matters.

Caltech Faculty Handbook
This handbook contains the By-laws of the faculty and summarizes the most important principles, policies, and administrative procedures of the Institute concerning the faculty and academic staff.

Minimum Indirect Cost Rate Policies
Annual memorandum regarding overhead rates on non-federal awards and other important rate information.

Internal Forms for Proposal Submission
Division Approval Form (DAF); Minimum Overhead Review and Approval Form (MORA and Instructions); PI Eligibility Sponsor Memo and Clarification.

Caltech Gift Policies
Advancement and Alumni Relations Gift Policies including: Gift Acceptance Policy, Gift Counting and Reporting Policy, Donor Agreement Policy, and Naming Policy.

Caltech Collection of Open Digital Archives (CODA)
Caltech's institutional collections for faculty research publications and other content supporting the mission of the Institute - hosted and managed by the Caltech Library.

Information about the use of this online database and submission of proposals to non-Federal funders.

External Resources

Federal Funding

Centralized repository of more than 1,000 different grant programs across federal grant-making agencies.

NIH Grant Opportunities
Office of Extramural Research (OER) at NIH website with funding opportunities and policy and procedure information.

NSF Funding Opportunities
Funding opportunities offered by the National Science Foundation, also available at grants.gov.

Grantsmanship & Resources Targeting Early-Career Investigators

Ten Simple Rules for Getting Grants
Bourne and Chalupa's 2006 editorial with tips on grantsmanship.

Art of Grantsmanship
Tips on grant preparation and facilitating proposal success from the Human Frontiers Science Program.

Making the Right Moves: 2nd Edition
Based on workshops co-sponsored by the Burroughs Welcome Fund and HHMI, a collection of practical advice and experiences from seasoned biomedical investigators and other professionals with chapters on laboratory leadership, getting funded, project management, teaching and course design.

AAAS Resource on Grantsmanship
Science magazine’s NIH R01 toolkit (2007 update).

Guide to NSF Success
Science article provides suggestions and ideas about how to improve NSF proposal competitiveness.