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Title: Haynes Foundation 2023 Archival Grants

Funding Agency: The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation

External Deadline(s):

01/06/2023 03:00 PM PST (Full Proposal)

Cognizant Office: Office of Foundation Relations


The Haynes Foundation, which supports social science research into policy issues of the Los Angeles Region, invites proposals for its Archival Grants program. A limited number of grants in support of archival and cataloging projects are available for libraries and other institutions that preserve historic Los Angeles materials of relevance to the social science/policy communities. In general, archival projects will receive only partial funding from the Haynes Foundation. Preference is given to applicants who can secure matching funds from other sources.

Frequency: Typically annual

Total Award: $10,000 to $60,000

  • Award amount varies, recent awards have ranged from approx. $10,000 to $60,000.
    • Funds may not be used for equipment or tuition and fees for graduate student assistants.

Indirect Costs: 10% of Direct Costs

  • Foundation does not support traditional overhead costs or equipment.
    • At the end of each fiscal year, the foundation will disperse payment equal to 10% of the total amount of research funds given to the institution during the course of the year to assist in institutional costs associated with the research.
    • Caltech’s minimum overhead rate is based on the award’s annual gross funding. Please refer to the FY23 Annual Rate Memo for applicable minimum overhead requirements. Applicants must work within their division to account for the required overhead via an approved MORA form.

Duration: Varies

Discipline(s): Humanities and Social Sciences

Eligibility: Grad Student, Postdoc, Research Faculty, Staff, Tenure-Track Faculty, Tenured Faculty

  • Applicants are requested to notify the foundation of their intent to apply and also submit an online Proposal Information Form: https://haynesfoundation.org/proposal-information-form/
  • Preference will be given to applicants who can secure matching funds from other sources.
  • Caltech researchers other than tenure-track faculty will need to obtain approval from the Division Chair and Vice Provost for Research prior to submitting an application.

Research Areas of Interest:

  • The relevance and significance of the materials to Southern California and for public policy, along with their fragility and rarity are taken into account in selecting these projects for award.

Post-Award Obligations:

  • TBD

Recent Caltech Recipients:

  • None

Guidelines & Other Information:

Guidelines: https://haynesfoundation.org/how-to-apply/grant-guidelines/

Past Recipients: https://haynesfoundation.org/grants-awarded/archival-grants/

Haynes Board of Trustees: https://haynesfoundation.org/about/board-of-trustees/

Please notify the Foundation Relations team if you anticipate making a submission or if you have any questions regarding this opportunity. We are here to help ensure that Caltech’s proposals are competitive. We can assist with proposal development and advise you on the routing of your paperwork. Interested researchers should work with their division grant manager to prepare the budget, the MORA form, and the Division Approval Form (DAF). Submissions and awards for this grant program will be processed through the Office of Foundation Relations.

Opportunity ID: 1317

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