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Title: UPDATED: S2I Rockley Research Grants

Funding Agency: Sensing to Intelligence

External Deadline(s):

11/30/2021 05:00 PM PST (Full Proposal)

Cognizant Office: The Center for Sensing to Intelligence


The Center for Sensing to Intelligence (S2I) in partnership with Rockley Photonics will support innovative research projects in broad areas of health monitoring, biophotonics sensing and spectroscopy, 3D imaging and sensing, artificial intelligence and data analytics, and advanced optics and photonics technologies for these areas including photonic integrated circuits.

Frequency: First-time opportunity

Total Award: $200,000 to $450,000

  • $100,000 to $150,000 per year for 2-3 years
  • In addition to these sponsored research funds, a limited number of "Discovery Fund Awards"  for smaller, focused research projects are available.

Indirect Costs:

  • Sponsored Research awards are subject to Caltech's federally negotiated indirect cost rate.
  • Discovery Fund Awards will permit 20% overhead and are subject to Caltech's standard indirect cost rates for non-federal funds. An executed MORA is required.
  • A DAF is required.
  • FY22 Annual Rate Memo

Duration: 2-3 years

Discipline(s): Biology and Biological Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Engineering and Applied Science; Geological and Planetary Sciences

Eligibility: Research Faculty, Tenure-Track Faculty, Tenured Faculty

  • Collaborative work with JPL will also be considered.

Research Areas of Interest:

  • Health monitoring, biophotonics spectroscopy and sensing, 3D imaging, machine vision and other imaging and sensing, artificial intelligence and data analytics, and advanced optics and photonics technologies for these areas including photonic integrated circuits.

Post-Award Obligations:


Recent Caltech Recipients:

  • None, New Opportunity

Guidelines & Other Information:

Intellectual Property: Standard Caltech IP obligation is associated with these grants. For more details about this obligation, please contact Maral Gharib, maral@caltech.edu in the Office of Technology Transfer and Corporate Partnerships.

For questions about this opportunity, please contact Maral Gharib in the Office of Technology Transfer and Corporate Partnerships: maral@caltech.edu

Submit proposal package by 5pm on November 30, 2021 to: s2i.admin@caltech.edu

Proposal packages should include:

  • 1-2 pages of proposal description covering: title, introduction, approach, innovations, expected outcome and a timeline.
  • Preliminary Budget for personnel (graduate RA, postdoc, SURF or other undergraduate) and supplies.
  • A document listing other support related to this proposal: title of grant, amount of money, and brief one sentence description, matching funds would be a plus.
  • Division Approval Form (DAF).

Opportunity ID: 913

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